

舞台は東京都渋谷区神宮前の小さな商店街。そこに住む少年、ニート君の自宅地下室で伝説は始まる。とある休日、幼馴染みの同級生ナイス君が遊びに来て父親の部屋に案内される。 そこを気に入ってしまったナイス君の思いつきで「放送局をやろうぜ」という事になり、二人で知恵を絞ってインターネット放送局を立ち上げた。


Weekly 3DCG Animation Series / 24 Episodes

Setting the stage in a small shopping street in Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo, the legend begins in the basement of Neet-kun’s house. One holiday, his childhood buddy and classmate, Nice-kun, comes over and gets shown to his dad’s room. Nice-kun digs the spot and suddenly comes up with, “Let’s start a broadcast station!” So, the two boys put their heads together and set up an internet broadcast station.

But being elementary school kids, they had no idea about show planning or structure, so their broadcasts kicked off in a totally chaotic, anything-goes style.

Media: Internet streaming and DVD (5 volumes, 2006 release)

nice&neat Roll-1

Original CG Animation 2006
監督・脚本・キャラクターデザイン:Hitoshi Miyata
CG Supervisor:Frederic Soumagnas
Studio Manager:keiko Hirose
エンディング曲:吉田美奈子/Monkey Majik
©️XeNN Studios/avex Entertainment 2006